Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2014-05-11 22:11:56 Road Trip part 6 Here is the thing, I like PuppetMaster. I think he has great insight and I enjoy his criticism and opinion. Don't hate on him just because he expresses himself on my work, I ask for the feedback and unless it's hurtful and cruel I can take all of it. And he's put out more positive thoughts than people give him credit for. I thought what he said was funny.
2014-06-25 20:21:18 Road Trip part 11 Well PF I didn't say anything about another series. I did say there would be 2 more after Road Trip with the 6th one being the last for Guy and his family for a long time. Now relax everyone it's not over yet.
2014-05-19 23:08:23 Road Trip part 7 Well hey there my faithful readers, gonna soapbox for a moment and I hope those of you with names respond to me on here or in mail form. I'd like to think that I have created people, not characters, that you can connect with and feel. I also hope that you understand that when I make a choice, however drastic or benign, I do not do so lightly and without great thought. That being said I have been reading works that some have sent to me with story ideas. Many need work like I did at series 1 and some just need a plot. However a few managed to do the worst thing possible, PISS ME OFF! I read the stories and got emotionally attached to the characters just to have the rug yanked out from under me and was left feeling hollow and bitter. I cannot express myself in enough words my level of disappointment but I use this moment to understand how some of you feel with my decisions and pray that you forgive my minor decisions that offend you. Trying to pump out chapter 8 for my masses.
2014-09-29 05:15:29 Path to Our Future part 8 I'm back again my faithful reading your comments and bringing some news. First off my financial situation is not going to be hindered in the coming months as my work situation has stabilized without my termination from said job. This means I will be continuing to write and my girlfriend will not be trying to pay all the bills, cue cheering masses. Now for some interesting news, after review there are only 2 chapters left for this series, I could drag this out with mindless filler and fluff but why do that to my faithful. I figure a solid and concise story is better than a dragged out plot. Finally there are questions to Romeo and the mystery man. Romeo his family does have money and as for jail? That will be explained in the coming chapter. As for the Mystery man i'm not giving you all shit, ha ha, you like the story when it unfolds and that is what i'm planning on doing. Chapter Nine will be action packed.
2014-09-29 05:23:44 Truths and Betrayals of a Young Man's Heart Chapter 2 I'm reading progress on your work. Don't quit because of hate, quit when desire to write runs out. All new writers, including myself, have learned as we wrote. Do not stop till you feel done and whatever you do keep writing till the series is done. Readers deserve a full story.