Comments from P.O.I.

Date Story title Comment
2016-09-27 02:17:45 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 9_(1) I will finish out this series both on this site and on my Patreon. After that I don't know if I'll be back for a while.
2016-09-30 06:27:10 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 9_(1) I will attempt to post it this weekend. I am not holding the chapter hostage for donations. If people want to donate and help me out, thank you. If people don't and still want rest of the story for free then it will still be free. Even on the other site I am not charging for posts or the series at all. The reason I'm not writing more is work and as of tomorrow a job interview for a more steady work possibly. Real world items are keeping me from writing and posting and the main purpose of the other site is to post faster for those who go there to read it. If you cannot read them there when they are posted (I make it for everyone) then let me know here or there and I will try to fix it.
2016-10-06 06:12:29 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 9_(1) I applied for, interviewed and will start a new job in the next few two weeks. Almost done with editing the chapter.
2016-10-08 19:04:14 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 9_(1) Posted at noon PST.
2017-01-13 05:31:29 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 12 Been sick, been working forty hours a week, been trying to write when not coughing up a lung or sleeping. Been trying to reach the pinnacle of this story in next couple chapters or less. I'm sorry for my delay.