2017-06-15 03:24:39 |
A New Day, The Other Me chapter 13
Got a job, working my ass off in the mornings and trying to write when I'm not so dead from working. I can honestly say this is the hardest last chapter I have ever done just story wise alone. The decisions, the changes, the finale and the secret finale. It's just tough but thank you for waiting patiently while I make this chapter supersized. |
2017-09-13 06:50:22 |
A New Day, The Other Me chapter 13
I did not disappear, I did have some major problems. One being a complete crash of my computer causing the chapter to be deleted. Two my hospitalization a couple days into my new job. I have been rehabing and trying to get things rewritten so I am able to publish. |
2018-01-22 08:05:10 |
A New Day, The Other Me chapter 13
Been mended for the most part, this is the longest chapter I've ever written. Not done but I'm working on it when I'm not working. |
2018-01-27 09:41:32 |
A New Day, The Other Me chapter 13
Over seventy pages and still going. This is my twelfth labor. |
2018-04-07 06:50:11 |
A New Day, The Other Me chapter 14
Honestly everyone aside from injury and computer fuck up it was me adding too much that the story didn't need. |