2014-07-22 01:56:54 |
She is the One (Part 7)
Please don't have jack cheat on Kayla and please have Craig bring a gun to school have have jack save Kayla and his sister and brother and both of his friends and Please have Jack sleep over at Kayla house and Please have Jack invite Kayla for dinner at his house and Please have Jack and Kayla home coming King and Queen and Please talk more about Jacks job at Game Stop. |
2014-08-18 03:24:26 |
She is the One (Part 12)
Can you please write that Jack takes Kayla to a restaurant and give her a heart shape Diamond encrusted pendant with necklace. |
2014-08-18 03:29:41 |
She is the One (Part 12)
Can you Please not have Jack parents Kick Jack brother and sister out of the house. Can you please have them except their relationship Can you have Joe call 911 because Jack need to get to the hospital because he has a collapsed lung and broken Ribs and a broken nose and can you please have Joe call Jack house because he does not have Jack parents cell phone number and Amanda and Alan call their parents to go to the hospital. Can you please tell us in the next chapter who attack kyla and who put the gun in the Jack locker. Can you please have Jack in the school bathroom and Jessica and Brad come in and say to Jack that he just could not go along with the plan to have Jack date Jessica and Brad date Amanda and now they are going to blow Jack up but Jack survives with few injuries and can you please have Kayla talk to her parents and Jack Parents and that she want to be near all the time so they let them get married and move in with each other and Kayla find out that she pregnant. |
2014-08-16 23:18:21 |
She is the One (Part 12)
Please don't have Kayla cheat on Jack |
2014-08-17 06:38:50 |
The Best Therapy ch. 07
Your story The Best Therapy is the best story I ever read and I have some suggestions for you. My suggestion is that Brad is having sex with his sister and Brad father comes home and also find out that what they have been doing while he was gone and he punches Brad in the nose and breaks both of his arms. But then they all find out that Brad father was cheating on Brads mother. And Brad Mother kick the father out of the house. Brad sister say to her mother grandmother and to Brad that she had a crush on Brad for a long time. Can you please put in a chapter where Brad get his mother and sister pregnant. |