Comments from sunshine233321

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-21 09:39:22 She is the One (Part 7) Please don't have jack cheat on Kayla and please have Craig bring a gun to school have have jack save Kayla and his sister and brother and both of his friends and Please have Jack sleep over at Kayla house and Please have Jack invite Kayla for dinner at his house and Please have Jack and Kayla home coming King and Queen and Please talk more about Jacks job at Game Stop.
2014-08-18 02:54:59 She is the One (Part 12) Can you please write in the next chapter that Jack Apologies to Kayla and her parents for not being able to get the attacker that Attack Kayla
2014-07-21 21:11:04 She is the One (Part 7) Please write more about Walburn Firing
2014-09-14 10:49:44 She is the One (Part 16) jashley13,
You do not have anything to apologize for. You have wrote Amazing story series and you are a genius when it comes to writing. Please know that I and thousands of people on this site love your story series and will do anything to support you. I sincerely hope that you feel better and that you will not let one person disgusting comments and Actions change or stop this Amazing story series. Also please don't have Jack and Kayla have a threesome or have Jack have sex with Amanda or Jessica and please don't have Jack cheat on Kayla. Could you please have Brad get out of Jail and start attacking Jack and his friends family and Kayla while tara is visiting. Take your time and rest. and Take care of your self.
Thank you
sunshine 233321
2014-09-09 04:30:50 Being More Social - Chapter 7 Can you please make Adam a black belt and can you have him save may and megan and have him make it up to megan and may
and have megan admit to may that she did say no string attach and that she is sorry.