Comments from countrycadillac

Date Story title Comment
2016-03-09 18:47:10 Fucking the Sisssssssss!!_(0) This is a great story and very well written. I can't wait for more chapters (a little longer) of their time spent before the parents return. Thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!
2016-03-09 19:07:43 The Sleepover_(1) Wonderful, just great and very well written. Please rush the next chapters ASAP. Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-03-09 19:17:29 Mutual Satisfaction A fine story and written very well, although a little short. How about another tale about the next nite ?? Thank You !!!!
2016-03-09 19:35:20 Done in the Haunted House Part 2 These two chapters are well written and I enjoyed reading both. Are you considering continuing on with more ??? Thank you !!!
2016-03-17 16:28:49 The Summer Job I'll Never Forget - Part 2 Only one word for this story, WONDERFUL, PERFECT !! OO;PS that's two word's but that's OK, this story is twice as good. !!!!!!!!!!