Comments from Moonlight Gambler

Date Story title Comment
2014-04-24 21:20:28 Daddy Aquires Lexi Chapter 1 What a wonderful story. I have just finished #1 and this is one of the few stories that have brought tears to my eyes. I also appreciate your comments about another writer helping and editing your stories. I sure wish others would do that and especially have someone else read and help edit. In your case, editing was superb and nothing took away from the love in the story. Thank you.
2014-04-23 06:14:01 A FLASH OF MOM'S FLESH (kathy Andrews) What a great story! Thanks!
2014-04-21 16:11:00 One Silent Night What a beautiful story! I read this because I saw that AZMotherLover found it to be one of the finest stories he had read and I consider AZMotherLover to be one of the finest authors here, so thank you for a great story! I was getting a foreboding feeling towards the end of the story that Nikita would pass away that night! Wow, so glad she didn't, as that would have been disastrous for their love. I sure would like to see this love story could continue. In the meantime, please continue with love stories. Sex is great when there is love at the heart. Not great when it isn't. Good wishes and be safe!
2013-06-07 18:39:43 my transition into manhood Really great story. Yes, the 9" cock is way overboard. Lastly, the author needs to edit his punctuation. He's 59, not 11, and his writing should reflect that.
2013-06-21 20:38:05 Coping with Retirement, part 5 - Sibling Rivalry Thank you for a great set of stories. Very enjoyable and erotic! That Lettie is a real pill! Sure hope to hear more about her, and hopefully, this little series might go one more to include Vicki again. I am curious why the Mom has the attitude she has. I would think she would not be dismissive about young girls constantly going over to David's and Dad not checking it out a bit more thoroughly. Maybe I am just too curious! Maybe an answer forthcoming in the future....

In any case I really enjoyed your stories. Best of luck in your future submissions!

An appreciative fan in SW Florida,USA