Comments from mikemiller63
Date | Story title | Comment |
2014-10-28 14:13:16 | 50 Shades Of Beech Mountain Chap 18 | Next chapters will be a few weeks off.. That time of year when I'm very busy Dano |
2014-07-22 06:34:41 | Have Hands-- Hilton Head,S.C. | Yes--same one--I re-posted it because of the timeline..sorry |
2014-07-13 12:24:35 | Have Hands--Will Travel Near Columbia , SC | I write totally from the content of my journals kept over the years. The year was 93--94. I'm not sure WHY Hydro was prescribed instead of the Oxy--a Doctor's decision, not mine I'm afraid. Maybe Nicole was medication sensitive. As to Matt--he was the body builder type and could have taken me out with one good punch I'm sure. I "bluffed" him to control the situation at hand--and I can see where you think it arrogant on my part. My size may be a little above average--but I've seen and heard of 9--10--12 inches that would make me average in comparison. I do appreciate constructive criticism and encourage healthy debate. It can only help me in my long term goals in writing and I thank you for your input. |
2014-07-19 04:11:12 | Beech Mountain-Ch 11--15 | I'm semi --retired now and have been writing about my travels for years. I had them in here a few years back--but the account got hacked. It's my hope that a publisher will pick up on it and make an offer. |
2014-06-16 09:07:44 | Making Sis Feel Better | Short but sweet!! |