Comments from mikemiller63
Date | Story title | Comment |
2014-12-28 06:14:41 | Shades of Beech Mountain--Chap 19 | Hi --I know this seems a bit short but I'm on the road alot this time of year. This is a 'connect the dots" chapter that will make more sense as later chapters follow. Please take a moment to vote! Dano |
2015-01-05 10:59:49 | Shades of Beech Mountain--Chap 19 | Lmao--Thank you!! The fitness center was on the ground level. My condo was the entire second floor. One could say yes a brothel--but the way it was set up no money changed hands at the gurls level. Any actions or sex were between consenting adults. These "dungeons flourish throughout the US. It's just not widely known or accepted because it caters to a special clientel. As always--I appreciate all comments and votes! |
2015-05-03 16:38:02 | Murphy's Law | Don't take it too hard author -- I've been chewd on so much for my "Southern Gentleman " slang I quit posting my stories. Some cannot enjoy somethng written from the heart whether it be a true story--fiction- fantasy-etc. I have way more positive comments than negative, and my overall approval rating is above 90%. Keep at it --you show promise. Ya'll have a good one |
2015-05-17 14:28:13 | Beech Mountain 5--6--7 | Reader 17:34 How can we meet if you don't contact me? If you are within my circle it won't be a problem. If you're out of my circle you'll have to pay the travel expenses. My e - mail is in my profile. xx |
2015-05-17 14:09:04 | Have Hands--Will Travel Near Columbia , SC | I've had several conversations with Matt since that time and still have his respect and friendship. He and Teresa are still an item. It was Nicoles injury that got us off on the wrong foot--but he understood why I acted in a dominate way. He could have seriously damaged her spine flipping her into a vertical 69 so fast. I interact with many males in my line of work, and I treat them as I would wish to be treated. I try very hard not to interfere in any mans relationship with his woman--wife--G/F..etc. I've actually had a couple of the clients beg me to massge them in front of their other half to give them hints on erotic massage--foreplay and other bedroom antics. Thank you all for your input and comments. |