Comments from mikemiller63
Date | Story title | Comment |
2014-09-22 04:57:12 | 50 Shades Of Beech Moutain-- Chapter17 | Yes CC --It's all true.. I have a shitload of pic's of alot of my "clients" . If I done a book I'm sure it would sell judging by the rating average of all my chapters. As always I thank you for your input and support Dano |
2014-09-21 08:16:46 | 50 Shades Of Beech Moutain-- Chapter17 | Please readers and fans--if you took the time to read this, take a second or two for a positive or negative vote. As always I enjoy your comments or suggestions "Dano" |
2014-07-18 01:10:11 | My first Time_(66) | This story was the earliest sex I had--and Le'Lu gave me the "magic hands" and it stuck. I could do several chapters just on her and my summer, but it would just be repetitive sex in trees--in the lake-on the green of a golf course at night..etc. I'll save these chapters for later. I've received many e mails wishing me to continue the Beech Mountain / Have Hands--Will Travel stories. I thank you all for your votes and support |
2014-07-29 01:56:46 | Have Hands-- Hilton Head,S.C. | Yes--there's more when I get the time to work up the next chapter and post Thank you for your support and votes! One way of saving as best author is to get onto my page listing my stories and book mark it. I know it's a pain to look up authors here by name...but that's one way around it. Later |
2014-10-04 11:25:10 | 50 Shades Of Beech Mountain Chap 18 | Yeah thanx for your support as always. I get way more positive comments than the negative on grammar--punctuation--my Southern slang, lmao. I tell it as I remember it folks, scanning my journals to refresh my memory. Some call me lucky--but I like to think I chose to put myself in the path of an opportunity. I am wary to bring my past BDSM experiences into my story. You need a very open mind to understand and enjoy what it can do for a "vanilla" relationship. Ho hum straight sex. Eww I truly believe many marriages fail because of boredom with each other. This lifestyle can spark and strenghten a couples love over time. |