Comments from mikemiller63
Date | Story title | Comment |
2017-08-08 04:48:38 | 50 Shades of Beech Mountain--Chapter 20 | Well I've finally got some time to myself for a change. You loyal readers should check back for my Chapter 21 Installment to be out around the end of September . Dano |
2018-01-16 07:24:19 | 50 Shades of Beech Mountain--Chapter 20 | Sorry for the delay. Chapter 21 will wind down the Beech Mountain chronicles for awhile as I make my way south again. Coming soon!! Dano |
2018-01-21 20:14:38 | Chapters 21-22-23 | If you've taken the time to read this--please also take a moment to comment and vote. It will help me decide whether to keep posting stories here. My e mail in my Profile is now up to date if you wish to send pvt messages. Thanx--Dano |
2018-01-22 00:03:01 | Shades of Beech Mountain--Chap 19 | My latest chapters-- 21, 22, 23 are being posted as one read.. Also my profile has my updated e mail if you wish to pvt message me I thank you all for enjoying my stories !! Dano |
2018-01-23 04:36:14 | Have Hands--Will Travel In Atlanta | To the reader who stated"Not much massage" let me say that massage was not the reason I was enlisted in coming to her. It was her feelings of inadequacy with men that made her choose a total stranger--me over a local guy she might know. I'm happy to report she has moved on with her life and engaged to be married again. She says I had a very big part in making her feel normal again. Thanx-- My e mail in my profile has been updated for those who wish to pvt message mee |