Comments from JackassTales

Date Story title Comment
2010-04-07 13:34:59 Ellen Teaches Young Tech Boy a Lesson Glad to see this story here. SUPER JOB! Hope you get lots of hits and good reviews. This story certainly deserves it! JackassTales
2010-04-21 18:06:05 An Unusual Hotel.... WOW, wild ride! Well written. JackassTales
2010-04-30 13:21:51 On a Moonlit Night, Wishes May Come True DC, I'm pretty dense, so I didn't have this 'figured out' until I was deep, deep into the story. Even then, I was still unsure until nearer to the end.
2010-05-06 15:30:42 VAGINAFEST - Chapter 1 Loved how you used the derogatory "VAGINAFEST" tirades as inspiration for a story. The great writing here disproves that critic's remarks. JackassTales
2010-05-07 13:33:19 What's love without stupidity Very nice romance. I hope you realize that wantsomefun did not actually write the shitty comment below. There is a troll masquerading as popular writers posting negative comments all over the place.