Comments from JackassTales

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-17 13:15:06 Loving Lisa’s Pretty Pink Pussy Petals Oops! In a previous story (Sins of my Country Girl Sis and Me) I had a horse named Bess. Sorry.
2011-07-03 11:59:27 Alice and Trixie Turn A Trick: A Horny Honeymooners Story Not that many of us 'oldtimers' around who really know those characters. It really helps in understanding the story.
2011-07-05 15:10:18 Really nice story with a proper ending.
Positive vote from me.

The best stroke-story I've read in ages! Goodness, the sex was HOT!!!
If you ever find him, you ought to shoot that fellow in the wheelchair; what was his name; oh, Jack
I like that you didn't give the girl's age. She was probably younger than most people think. My mind is in the gutter, so I think she was under 16!!!
2011-07-10 11:31:52 Loving Lisa’s Pretty Pink Pussy Petals To the previous commenter; Yes, Lisa and I do have an age gap...but, we are only innocently flirting. There is no CYBER-SEX or any such perversion between us! Lisa has only limited access to the internet, yet she did ask me to post this response...
"What a jerk... If i was on a computer (instead of my phone) id love to go post a reply but when i tried my phone didnt like the page and i had to restart it lol If you want you can tell them I said I am VERY FLATTERED and that I love the story. And next time Im able to get on a computer Ill go post a little comment myself (if i can get the guts lol) just so everyone knows i love it *huggle*"