Comments from JackassTales

Date Story title Comment
2010-06-09 12:13:54 Just For Fun OH MY GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY! I knew it was probably the President, but when you revealed the identity of the typist as being the Great-Small-Penised-Obama-Troll, I about lost it. God, how could any writer be so imaginitive as to turn the tables on our trollish enemies as you did with this tale! Just a Little Fun my ass, this was outrageous hilarity!!! JackassTales
2010-07-13 17:43:29 Sweet Little Lucy Likes My Wheelchair Believe me, I have the utmost 'empathy' with persons in a wheelchair. I am in one myself. I write about unprotected sex because this is what the majority of readers want.
2010-07-27 18:21:10 Sicilian Adventure I'm mad as Hell because this deserves a whole damn lot more votes an comments than it is getting!!! GOOD JOB--SeeYaBabe
2010-07-28 15:09:32 Sicilian Adventure SHIT, I'm mad again because my login name disappeared from the comment below. Ciiababe, I made the immediate comment below; signed JACKASSTALES (aka: JackassTales)
2010-07-30 16:49:51 A Good Kind Of Trouble One of the best damn opening paragraphs I've read in ages and it had nothing to do with sex!

[I was driving north on Interstate 35 as fast as the governor on the blue Mack would let me, the 8 inch dual open exhaust pipes snarling with the Cummins powered song in my ears as I crossed the south Texas prairie land trying to make San Antonio to stop for the night. The air conditioner was doing its best to keep me cool in the 100 plus degree late July evening, and failing at its task.]
