Comments from JeremyDCP

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-26 04:32:52 Island Fever 2: Eternity - Chapter 01 (3) This all goes back to the fact that this is a story told from a first person point of view. Jeremy's character continually undersells and undervalues himself. Has he ever given himself credit for anything he has done? Has he ever talked himself up at all to the reader? The character spent years in lonely isolation and he does not think or feel like most others do.

One could easily make the case that in reality, all of the women are absolutely 100% in love with him - but he is mostly oblivious to it. He is not going to take that credit. He is happy to let them do their thing, but in reality, all they really want is to be with him. Again, this argument could be made. Perhaps we will never know the truth because it's a first person story.

Cheers to you as well. Always love a good conversation.
2014-07-26 04:26:17 Island Fever 2: Eternity - Chapter 01 (2) While Jeremy believes that Devon loves Kristanna more than him, and Trish loves Lindsay more, can you honestly sit there and say that Kristanna loves Devon more than she loves Jeremy? Look at everything she has done for him. Look at all of the sacrifices that Kristanna has made for him, and how she will bend over backwards in order to make him happy. And Lindsay? Jeremy is the primary reason why she decided to stay on the island in the first place. Without his love and generosity, Lindsay would have never given the idea of staying a second thought. Is Lindsay going to change her mind in just a couple of months, and go from Jeremy to Trish being her favorite? <continued in next post>
2014-07-26 04:22:23 Island Fever 2: Eternity - Chapter 01 You make some valid points, but I beg to differ on many of them. First off, you asked why Jeremy and company chose to live in Norway instead of a populated tropical island. At the end of the original story, that decision was made and the reason was given.

As for the perception that the female characters love each other more than they love Jeremy, perhaps that is true, perhaps it is not. But the thing you have to realize is that this story is told from a first person point of view. It is told from Jeremy's perspective. If he infers something, he relays that onto the reader. If he is shocked and surprised by something, the reader will feel the same way. Just because you are reading Jeremy's perspective and his view of the happenings around him ... that does not mean he is necessarily correct. <continued in next comment>
2014-09-04 13:35:53 Island Fever 2: Eternity - Chapter 09 Not close. Been preoccupied the past several weeks with family illnesses and hospital visits. Hope to have it done soon.
2014-05-21 07:53:08 Island Fever Ch. 20 Well, thanks for the positive reinforcement. All this talk about Jeremy should be committing suicide and that he is a horrible person because he does not act on EVERY scenario or bad thing that is said behind closed doors... I just do not get it. He is simply being hands-off and believes what the girls do is their business. Again... no voyeur room? No story. If Jeremy was "normal" and wasn't a recluse, and dated like everyone else... no story. No island? No beautiful imagery and... you guessed it, no story. As I said in a prior post, people need to suspend their belief and enjoy the story for what it and what it offers. If what happens in it makes you incredibly angry - which seems to be the case for some on here - I suggest you simply not read it.