Comments from twistedsoul666

Date Story title Comment
2014-12-17 05:12:25 YOU HELP ME,I HELP YOU : Part 1 wow i just got done reading and he is right too much slang and dont be a racist because your black and use slang it just means we cant understamd anything your saying that why you got 40 votes and got 30% positive
2014-08-02 14:56:40 pokemon daycare 4 if u dont like it leave
2014-10-22 07:50:25 No Time Like the Present - A Pokemon Fanfic wow put more detail like who he is why he is there and things like that keep posting for now u got a fan
2014-08-03 09:43:10 pokemon daycare 5 only thing i gotta say is i like how he still looks this story up
2014-08-03 18:15:48 An Incest Birthday Chapter 24 I licked it but dont leave a cliff hanger about the father finding out