Comments from twistedsoul666

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-03 18:13:55 An Incest Birthday Chapter 24 I licked it but dont leave a cliff hanger about the father finding out
2014-08-03 18:14:01 An Incest Birthday Chapter 24 I licked it but dont leave a cliff hanger about the father finding out
2014-08-03 17:07:14 pokemon daycare 5 No duh he stopped writing and i was finishing it off why do u think i said it was copy wtritten he gets the credit while im want the story to end
2014-11-03 23:25:39 pokemon daycare 5 lol my story so im going to defend it even tho its not but still
2014-08-02 12:00:38 pokemon daycare 3 lol if i didn't wanna make a twist i wouldn't pick a story unfinished and i plan on making this story longer but i have to read it and make tweaks