Comments from twistedsoul666

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-02 12:02:35 secret at every corner chp 1 sorry if its so short the next one will be a lot longer
2014-08-01 19:43:41 pokemon daycare if u dislike this tell me how u would like it i wont change much because its already written and i dont wanna stray too far off story
2014-12-11 04:25:54 Horny Hermione - Greyback's Bitch *Reposted* make it longer if u cant then put more detail of what happening around her lik ron and harrys thought and were she is going but going over bord with detail is ok but dont over dew it were there is no sex but the sex scene needs to be longer so put different positons and how hermine thinks any questons send a text and ill try to read it
2015-08-01 05:52:56 The Rape of Young Kate_(0) Holy shit please make a series about this