Comments from davebccanada

Date Story title Comment
2015-01-14 05:51:48 Alice the slut just wants cock! Sorry, you lost me when you brought in the werewolves and vampires. Not my thing, I'm afraid. Loved the first episode though. Good luck.
2015-01-15 02:01:18 A Brief Encounter I feel your fleeting wonder at what might have been, Preverted1. What if I had spoken... or perhaps acted otherwise from how I did at some point... or had not gone at all that evening? Would I have ever actually saw her... or even noticed her... or she I?

I have noticed a passing act by others and later found the impression indelibly etched into my mind (to the point I have created a tale including that passing act).

It's a fine tale, my friend. You captured the moment. I applaud you.
2015-01-15 18:52:14 Pantie mom A very intense account written with a veracity that belies a truthful experience. You are either a masterful story teller or relating a truth happening. I enjoyed it very much, thank you for sharing.
2015-05-13 00:51:08 My First Time (Spacing Corrected)_(9) I'm sorry, I see this is written by a male, not Dee. If it's a true account I have to presume she related her feelings to you. Quite confusing. All the same it's well written.
2015-05-13 00:40:17 My First Time (Spacing Corrected)_(9) Not only does it ring true but it could have come right from my own youth. Thank you for sharing and if you are my 'first' of long gone years, I can only say thanks for your infinite patience.