Comments from davebccanada

Date Story title Comment
2015-01-17 21:11:19 AMY S STORY Come on, break it up into paragraphs, check the grammar, spelling and word usage then bring it on back and I'll read it.
2015-02-25 03:23:53 My Sister In Law Beth, Chapters 9 - 13 Your simple naivety is a great hook. I haven't figured out if it is real or a cunning writing style but you have captivated me and made a new fan. I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of this account. I hope you will take a moment to check out mine.
2015-02-25 17:52:38 My Sister In Law Beth - Conclusion Having only joined this site recently and stumbling upon this author years after he posted this story I find myself with an added advantage being able to read 162 comments. So many opinions from such a varied audience form a story all their own, like a final chapter.

I found the story compelling, the author readable and the opinions helpful. It gives me heart to start a new series I have been considering with hope of positive and helpful feedback for my work.

I will watch for further works by Rhiannon57 if he is still writing on this site and welcome his feedback to anything I produce. I thank him for sharing with us.

2015-02-26 00:33:49 Mom's my girlfriend Check these comments on date 2012-10-15 07:20:15 and you will see the author's explanation. He says and I quote: "Yes on another site my name is rgjohn on another site. I'm rewriting my stories and posting them on this site." It is my choice to believe him but even if this is untrue I enjoy the read and am glad he shared it with us.
2015-02-26 03:05:59 The House Wife Chronicles Kissincutie:

1. I like your nom de plume.

2. I think the best advise I might offer you is read other stories on here. Look for stories whose subject matter interests you and study their style and mannerisms.

3. I think you use a spell checker. For composition, sentence structure and word usage you will have to learn by observation and study. As to content I feel you have good grasp there.

I think it was a gallant effort on your part to post this story and I give you fell marks for that effort. Keep posting, you'll get better. Good luck.
