Comments from davebccanada

Date Story title Comment
2015-03-01 20:46:03 In The Beginning: chapter one I'm working on number 2, guys and girls. Please be patient.
2015-03-02 04:24:29 Beginning of summer with Lisa Stepbro, might I suggest you read a few other other stories on this site and pay special attention to how they arrange their paragraphs. If English is not your native language then you might not realize how difficult your errors make it for readers to enjoy your work. Make good use of the built in spell checker on this site and break up your work with proper paragraphs and you will go a long way towards making your readers happy.

I give you credit for your efforts to date. I tried doing some work in a different language and I know it is difficult. Keep on writing and you will get it better. Good luck.
2015-04-24 20:54:37 My cousin and I_(3) Okay, if this story is a true tale and you are relating it to the best of your limited ability, I say well done. Now if this is simply a fiction dressed up to look authentic, once again I say well done.

Whatever, I enjoyed the read.
2016-11-05 00:09:54 Sex in the Sunshine So where did you go, Redbush? I have read all five of your stories and wonder if unwarranted criticism drove you from our midst? I found your work well done with minimal errors and quite readable. I enjoyed it. On the other hand it might have been some totally unrelated action that heralded your departure. Whatever your reason, you are missed here.
2016-09-26 16:05:06 Lost and Found_(3) I'd re-title it "Sweet Mary's Down". Just my humble opinion.