Comments from misterjedi

Date Story title Comment
2015-06-30 16:52:39 sebastian in answer to your negative comment below
I am not the original author, and i did not steal this either.
Yes there are better stories elsewhere.
Then go read them and leave me alone.

That was your idea of a 'great' story?? Give us a break, MISTERJEDI. Go look in the bestiality section and you'll find dozens of GREAT stories that will put this half-assed thing to shame. Read some of them and learn. Maybe your next story will be a better one.
2015-06-30 17:53:18 Payback for Cheating Wife I thought this is a very good true story, i will be adding it to my favorites...!
This got a positive rating from me.
Finally a husband with balls.
Good job :)
2015-07-03 18:54:14 Making My Wife Happy I'm sure Charlie, that watching your gorgeous wife fuck huge black cocks really is a great turn on for you. You must of known that she would become a black cock whore, for all those big black men. Those huge black guys like nothing more than to humiliate and belittle you in front of her, I'm sure you cannot enjoy them doing that to you, Charlie "mate", show some balls, or self respect. stop her fucking those huge cocks, or eventually you will loose her for sure, mark my words. She will want to fuck those cocks more and more, she will eventually forget about you. Charlie, you know what I'm telling you is the inevitable truth.
2015-07-04 09:08:16 Must Love Dogs I think that this is a crock of shit, im not going to berate you on the grammar etc, but its badly written, it really seems it was written by a third grader.
I'm not perfect in my writings by any means, i don't profess to be either.
All i can say is its a good job you posted it under "Dark Fantasy."
2015-07-05 11:07:08 Nice Little Surprise Try using the proper words to construct sentences and not text speak, it's really is hard to read.
The first part was was really quite good, but then you started using misspelled and text speak words in your conversations.
Sorry but i gave this a negative vote.