Comments from misterjedi

Date Story title Comment
2017-03-24 21:05:13 I own Joyce part 2 Moms Pov This sorry excuse for a story was obviously written by a juvenile delinquent, who should go back to school, learn to spell and construct any sort of reasonable, let alone readable sentence. stop wasting our time with this drivel.
From Misterjedi.
2017-03-24 21:04:29 I own Joyce_(0) This sorry excuse for a story was obviously written by a juvenile delinquent, who should go back to school, learn to spell and construct any sort of reasonable, let alone readable sentence. stop wasting our time with this drivel.
From Misterjedi.
2017-03-24 21:03:21 sharon is owned pt 1 This sorry excuse for a story was obviously written by a juvenile delinquent, who should go back to school, learn to spell and construct any sort of reasonable, let alone readable sentence. stop wasting our time with this drivel.
From Misterjedi.
2017-03-16 12:52:47 Sue is blackmailed by a colleague True story or not, this was well written. I congratulate the author maxyorks.
how ever the drug part, I'm not sure if this part rings true for me, other than that, good job.
i really would like to be at a party with her as the entertainment.
2017-05-13 20:35:46 Our first cuckold Where is the rest of it ? no description of the despicable act of adultery with another younger man !!
Man, you have got to be stupid. wanting to let your woman fuck someone else. regardless of it being exciting for you to see her being well fucked. She will eventually leave you for the things that are more exciting outside of your marriage.
Believe me Ive been there and now i have no wife.