Comments from misterjedi

Date Story title Comment
2016-03-12 10:30:40 My Wife becomes a hotwife_(2) if you rent out her pussy, you will eventually say goodbye to it.
she will leave you for a bigger cock, and it's your own fault too.
never let your wife fuck another man when you are unable to satisfy her, as she will fall in love with the new bigger cock, good job this is just a fantasy....don't let her do it for real.
2016-03-30 09:03:11 A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife (Part 1) Ive never been into she males per say, but never say never.
If i were you don't let your wife fuck a she male with a bigger cock than you, because she will eventually crave the bigger cocks more and more.
You will lose her to a big cock she male, trust me it will happen.
2016-03-30 09:16:03 A Shemale Fantasy and my Wife (Part 2) I must admit i like to fuck my lady up the arse, its much tighter and clamps beautifully onto your cock when she cums on it :)
Having said that, i don't think i could get into the arse fucking thing if it was a she male ?
Which is what this story series is all about, isn't it.
I'm not gay for a start !!
2016-03-30 09:24:07 A Shemale Fantasy and my wife (Part 3) It seemed like you really liked Carol fucking your arsehole with her strap-on.
Could you get you like it, dose that make you gay, or just bi-sexual ?
Pity this is listed under fantasy :)
2016-03-30 09:41:30 A Shemale Fantasy and my wife (Part 4) Well that was a nice twist to the story, you got all the action and your wife was pegging you on :)
I'm glad you didn't let your wife have the big cock though.
Good story, a big positive vote from me.