Comments from pyroclast

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-11 08:20:53 Stifling by SITTING Hmmm, not sure about you; are you a sick hater or a pissy little wanker with delusions? Whatever, you are turned on by violence against women, seeing them as just unworthy sluts. And your writing style is pathetic too. So why bother?
2015-08-11 08:49:04 The Audition by Buz Yeah, must agree, "You're not much of a writer". You're a sicko, maybe gay woman-hater; you like to debase women in your writing; do you do the same in real life? Or are you so psychotic that you can only have delusions? Whatever, you are a waste of space.
2015-08-11 10:13:28 Just hanging out Very juvenile writing. How old are you? Your "writing" has all the form of a 13 year old trying to impress someone; it didn't impress me. Really, it just came across as kid's chatter transcribed into print. Pathetic.
2015-09-03 04:45:11 Claudia gets her ego issues fixed Ahhh, the Intelligentia of the world, inhabiting 'gator country of the USA.
2015-09-03 06:32:07 Sweet Amelia ravished by her "Uncle" Make up your bloody mind! Was his name Rufus or was it Hugo?