Comments from pyroclast

Date Story title Comment
2015-09-02 13:00:33 Serena. Seduced on her fathers orders Yeah, liked that little story, earthy and plausible.
2015-08-30 11:05:54 Pissing around at the Office prequel Ha, Abroadsword, you are away with the fairies - wishful thinking or you got some other perversion in mind?
2015-08-29 14:42:24 Stephanie - Just When Things Turned Around Hahahaha, a bit tipsy and she let herself into the mastif's kennel!! Hahahahaha, funny story, good one!!!
2015-08-31 02:11:13 Lucinda What's all the Ae shit?
2016-12-31 10:36:18 A Welcomed Guest 2 Pars. I am going against the tide and gave it a negative vote; reason? Too much fuck-fuck, not enough story. Maybe a bit hard in judgement, but I find too much fuck-fuck bores me shitless, so I drift6 away as a not very happy guy. Bye the way, "grin" may be a better choice than "smirk".