Comments from pyroclast

Date Story title Comment
2017-08-10 11:52:50 Lost Empire 48 Hey, pars! not feeling too good, huh? I know the feeling. Plenty of prunes, apples and blueberries, washed down with orange juice and mineral water, that's what you need. And don't neglect the onions, garlic and tomatoes. Take care buddy!
2015-08-25 16:49:49 Christmas Angel_(0) Another brilliant story - you really have the knack of writing, telling, describing such spicy treasures. Please keep it up. And ignore the comments of the pathetic compulsive masturbaters who need titillation to be able to raise to the occasion.
2018-04-18 10:52:29 Lunch at Winery Rather juvenile writing; there are other wqays of indicating things in the present tense other than by saying "we are going........".
2015-08-24 20:51:13 Ahriman: The Evolution of a Serial Killer 6 This series is so sick it could only come from the mind of a demented psychopath; why such intolerably sick ravings are published here escapes me, but I can only hope that someone has the balls to drag this psychopathic crap off the site and send it to the trashcan where it belongs.
2017-08-12 13:57:14 SPACE FLIGHT 13: SHADOW FORCES Yes, I agree; keep the series deveoping, and make this a great story; yuo have laid the foundations for an epic, please continue.