Comments from Eprise01

Date Story title Comment
2015-12-07 15:29:11 lust in law 1.0 Soooooooo much better! Thanks for up-dating this wonderful piece of prose. I had a very difficult time with the first version and I'm so pleased to see you've 'polished' it up to something that is much, much, MUCH better.
2016-01-13 15:46:13 The Dirty Old Resident: Part 2 A wonderful addition here and I enjoyed it very much. You still use names way too much, when either "He" or "She" will do just well. I mean, there are only two main characters in this story - not counting Barbara, who is only barely there - so we - the readers - know who you're mentioning here. Leave it simple and the story will continue to flow, as it's done thus far. Definitely looking forward to the next chapter of this tale......

Thanks for sharing.
2016-01-07 16:42:13 The Rest Stop_(0) If you're going to leave negative feedback then at least have the balls (or pussy) to leave a name. Posting as Anonymous is so shitty!
2016-01-07 16:40:54 The Rest Stop_(0) I've enjoyed this tale, as well as your first one, but I have a suggestion.

Since you only have one female in the story as it unravels, there is no need to continually use her name. Use 'she' once in a while and it will improve the story. It gets boring to keeping reading her name in every paragraph. Otherwise you did a great job here and I did enjoy it. Hope you'll be posting more.
2016-01-14 15:35:59 The Rest Stop: Part 2 This one was much much better than the first part. I noticed that you cut down on using the proper names this time and it made reading this one much better. Eagerly looking forward to Part 3 of this lively tale. Thanks for sharing, too.