Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2015-12-27 10:00:40 Sauna Session (Pt1) pretty good. but too many run-on sentences. or at least use a bit more punctuation.
2015-12-27 11:09:49 Bait and Switch Ch. 04 great story, but damn talk about a flame war. this isnt fucking youtube guys, grow the fuck up. seriously.
2015-12-28 11:53:28 Superman gets some holy shit did not see THAT one coming. gotta remember this to share with my buddies at my university
2015-12-29 12:55:46 Bait and Switch Ch. 06 yet another awesome chapter. keep it up.
2015-12-29 12:09:46 Bait and Switch Retype - Ch 03-04_(0) i know im a bit late, but its real depressing thinking about our beloved / admired Dark_Brother. hope the new author - his best fried - will recover well. still looking forward to finishing what i started, just like him.