Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2016-02-05 09:12:46 Bait and Switch Ch. 14 forgive the double post. damned laptop sensitivity.
2016-02-09 07:43:18 Bait and Switch Ch. 15 yet again, you create such an amazing story mixed with sex, balanced out perfectly.

may you forever R.I.P. for we will always remember you and your beautiful work. thank you for you service to not only the site, but for the country too.
2016-02-10 08:31:36 Bait and Switch Ch. 18 not sure if it was intentionally put in there, but i sensed a pun with "the demons [came] early" that being that they had 1) arrived early. or 2) the demons were cumming.

another great story DB. sad to hear theres only 21, but a great story nonetheless
2016-02-28 11:33:08 Forbidden Sibling Treasure -- Chapter I: The Sisters' Gems love the actual story aspect of it equally as much as the sex. as said before, the writing is great, gorgeous flow, and the length helps build up to the good parts. keep it up brother. looking forward to more.
2016-02-28 12:04:59 Bait and Switch Ch. 19 yet another great story DB. sad its ending, but cant wait to read the rest... then start all over. as for the length / lack of sex -- i think by now we are all just glad to have a story of yours to read, and most of us are interested in the story just as much as the actual sex; after all, you have your reasons as to why you write it how you do.