Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2016-12-09 12:16:19 Santa II Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one. Keep up the great work, pars.
2016-12-01 05:39:57 14 yo/f Who Seduced Her Father Good story. Not sure how this wasn't taken down for underage though
2017-08-21 06:20:31 A guy and his...? 59 Attack Very interesting turn of events. I will definitely have to pay close attention to how things progress. May be a little hectic.
2016-12-13 05:43:08 Subjects 0 - CH 2_(1) The sooner you get that through your thick, fucking retarded ass, skull, the better.
2016-12-13 05:42:24 Subjects 0 - CH 2_(1) You know what, djb8247, FUCK OFF!! Is that the only thing you can think of to criticize with, "not up to normal standards" BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH . He wrote it how HE wanted to, not giving a shit about how jackasses like YOU thought HE should write HIS stories. DB may be deceased, but give the man some redirect, and save whatever microscopic shred of dignity you have left. Noone takes you seriously here, you fucking troll. The dinner you get that through your thick, fucking retarded ass