Comments from Clover Ernest
Date | Story title | Comment |
2017-03-25 07:59:36 | A guy and his...? 51 War | [Tankena: "Yeeeesss Meassterrrrr" *cough* FUCKING BITCH *cough cough*] |
2017-03-25 07:21:08 | Cat Fight 10 Duel | All the Playboy Bunnies with their bleach blonde hair! |
2017-03-25 06:57:56 | Leben 17_(1) | I'm gonna knock you out! Mama said knock you out! (Time for some more lyrical comments) |
2017-03-22 18:12:13 | Bad Seed | very intriguing. combines aspects from Black Willow, the other story with her in it (cant remember name), and possibly 1 or 2 others. eagerly awaiting more |
2017-03-22 18:37:50 | A Welcome Guest 15 | I take it this is the end? Quite a wonderful epilogue. Pars, you truly have outdone yourself on this journey through the myths and legends of the Ancients, which you have CERTAINLY done your homework on, to include so much accurate and rarely known details. It was definitely an amazing adventure this time around, and I, for one, hope to see more creations of such high caliber from you yet again. Til the next upload, Semper Fi, Clover E. |