Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2017-03-15 09:38:14 Cat Fight 4 (Capture) reminds me of one of your earlier works, The Princess and the Captain, or something like that.
2017-03-15 09:52:45 A Welcome Guest 13 welp, sounds like another orgy is about to occur!
2017-03-15 10:16:28 Cat Fight 5 (Execution) Let's start a riot! Wo-o-oah! (Repeat X3
2017-03-15 09:15:41 Lost Empire 38 damn she really put the "bitch" in "bitchslap" when she hit him! (or for you pissy technical asswipes, pimp-slapped)
what a tremendous cliffhanger, pars! my biggest impatience is that of Lucy's re-gen. absolutely CANNOT wait for her reemergence! keep up the awesome stories
2017-03-14 07:29:13 Leben 13 "SON"?!?! (as i had already been suspecting from his time travels)