Comments from Clover Ernest

Date Story title Comment
2017-06-24 08:37:17 A guy and his...? 56 Final Safety Nice one, BoBo. Maybe he should.
2017-06-24 08:39:46 S.H.E.L.I.A. 3 Amazingly done yet again. I think I'm starting to see some potential plot paths / events. Then again, I've seen way too many living AI scenarios to make a definite call. Keep it up Pars, your doing splendidly
2017-06-30 10:10:16 A Guy and His...? 57 Birth Now you've got to think of what to name the new character Pars! Even with the cut ending, it was splendid! Not hard to fill in the blank. I mean, we've all read sentences along that same structure before, so it shouldn't really be a big deal.

Thanks for the update.

As always,
2017-06-30 09:48:09 Cat Fight 16 (Living Prophecy) Lucifermotherfuckingdammit, Pars!!! First, it's a guy with done secret agent route shit going on. Then it's a guy with military agent stuff AND he's a cat-person from anther planet. Next, he's also an heir to the throne with hear skills. NOW, he's also got musical, ancient powers! You're a fucking genius when it comes to writing!! This gas certainly become an intriguing story, and anyone who says otherwise can go suck off a horse!

Amazingly written, only a few scattered typos.
Can wait for more of this adventure.

As always,
2017-07-01 07:32:23 Toman of the Cherokee 5 Yay, progression! Let's wait and see what else Toman can do with the Wild Magic, especially after a few lessons from Mordaf!

Great yet again, pars. Can't wait to see what Naci has in store for Toman when they get back.

As always,