Comments from Clover Ernest
Date | Story title | Comment |
2017-07-04 07:56:18 | S.H.E.L.I.A. 4 | Spam reported |
2017-07-04 08:09:41 | Cat Fight 16 (Living Prophecy) | ******** EDITED OUT TYPOS ******** Lucifermotherfuckingdammit, Pars!!! First, it's a guy with done secret agent type shit going on. Then it's a guy with military agent stuff AND he's a cat-person from anther planet. Next, he's also an heir to the throne with great skills. NOW, he's also got mystical, ancient powers! You're a fucking genius when it comes to writing!! This has certainly become an intriguing story, and anyone who says otherwise can go suck off ahorse! (There's a pun in that last sentence, and if someone point it out / explain it, you win a cookie) Amazingly written, only a few scattered typos. Can wait for more of this adventure. As always, Clover |
2017-07-08 06:36:19 | Lost Empire 47 | "Ara Tade " indeed a clever play on words / pseudonym for Tara, I caught it as son as I read the name, much like the other Easter eggs in previous chapters, such as "Odd Man I Am". Great going, Pars. Can't think of what Derrick will do or say next! Loving it! As always, Clover |
2017-07-23 07:43:20 | All I Want... (A Christmas Story) | Great read, Pars. I just can't shake the telling I've read this story from you before. I'll probably pm you about it. Anyway thanks for yet another story. As always, Clover |
2017-07-24 05:55:46 | All I Want... (A Christmas Story) | @knightrider7687 sorry to disappoint, but this was a contest story Pars had done for another site around Xmas almost 8 months ago now. So there is little to no chance there will be a second part. But Pars does love surprises, so who knows? |