Comments from hornykip50

Date Story title Comment
2015-09-26 00:48:03 My Very First Time_(2) It was kind of a good story, if you can get beyond the poor spelling, atrocious grammar, and.lack of paragraphs which make it so very hard to read without getting lost. Still, must give a negative vote. Take a writing course or at least use spell check, Microsoft Word or something then p4o9f read your shit. Then, if still looks like shit.... delete it before you publish it.
2015-09-26 01:39:59 Going Back Home to Lose My Virginity to Virgins Great story. Sad about the friendship ending though. And your writing skills are pretty good. Much better than many.
2015-09-26 13:48:46 A Perfect Thunderstorm This couldn't be a better scenario. I love thunderstorms, and I want so badly to fuck my beautiful daughter. She is even about the same age as the young woman in this story. Perfect. I need to show her this one. Please... More...
2015-10-09 21:03:19 An incest birthday chapter 10 You losing me with the bullshit. A deer, an herbivore, runs off with a back pack full of beef jerky? Dad finds out about the incest affair, but it was just a fucking dream? For fuck sake!
2015-10-06 01:33:43 An incest birthday chapter 6 Too much sex? What site do you think you are on? KELLEY BLUE BOOK Auto Values? Jeebus Toast!