Comments from GhostCharger

Date Story title Comment
2016-06-16 14:25:49 Lost Empire 24 I also agree with Retired Army NCO, this would make a brilliant book.
Awesome writing as usual and you have made so much progress from your earlier works.
For some reason i am having thoughts that maybe not every ship will be loyal and perhaps 1 is going to go insane or be a traitor. It just nags at me.
can't wait for the next chapter and see where you lead us :)
2016-12-16 08:58:32 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 12 Holy fuck! Damn POI, you have really just out done yourself this time. That is so awesomely... damn im just left too damn speachless. The rage and hatred is now gone and done.
Now there is only the cold hard vacume of the Void. His soul is almost completely gone now. I think even Gabriel would be completely horified at what he has become and would keep his distance.

Gabriel would be marely the harbringer of apocolypse.
Guy has become the God of the Void that Gabriel serves in ultimate fear.

I remember you hinting he might not survive this but you are leaving your options open still about 3 possible endings. God i love the way you do things that no one sees coming, this is how a master works.
well done and awesome work POI, i seriously can't wait to see where you take us :)
2016-06-24 13:20:50 A Family Betrayal Chapter 41_(0) Awesome to have you back Hawk :)
2016-06-25 00:59:21 Leben 4 Loving this pars, awesome!
2016-06-25 04:04:54 A Family Betrayal Chapter 41_(0) Im not sure Jeff but i love the length, so many other good writers here but just as you're really getting into their stories the chapter abruptly ends and you have to wait for the next. These long ones rivet you in and by the time it ends you find your self satisfied and tide over well into the next how ever long it takes to come. I suppose its just a preference of each of us. :)