Comments from GhostCharger

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-03 12:12:11 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8 The more i read this, the more i think my thoughts are correct. Guy has been groomed by someone we all knew had eyes on him.
And this chapter has my skin crawling. I don't think this will be a story with a happy ending at all. When an ice addict is coming at you with a knife, there is only one way to stop them....
Only time will tell.
2017-03-03 22:13:08 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 13 Lol perhaps im more forgiving, i have a tencity to just let the writer do what they want. I am just along for the ride. This isnt my favorite story, probably since it hits a lil close to home for me a life i left behind me. I prefer the older one. Although im still hanging to read a story on the Union and Devils Best and the war between them.
i will give advise when i see big issues, usually along the lines of block writers or incredibly simplistic sentences. I see nothing of that here in the slightest.
2017-03-03 06:30:05 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 13 You could call it the devil and his minions and is usually referenced as such. But in reality he is completely insane. The worst personality he has has a pure blood lust and is murderous and psychotic to the extreme and we all know is too dangerous to really be kept alive.
Once you awaken the beast, it hungers and will never be satisfied. It is a personality in all animals that is supressed completely. It is a personality that is pure evil and the only way to stop it is to kill it.
2017-03-03 06:20:42 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 13 There is no paranormal references in this although it is pretty close. Guy was always extremely intelligent and observant to a high level. He is has been driven insane and is now has multiple personalities and is scitzaphrenic. Just like in the past he had multiple wives that showed his multiple sides of his personality safely. He has an outlet then, but not now. It is quite easy to guess what a person is thinking just by their actions, face and body languages.
POI has given us a top end erotic story, not just a quick root and then move on. It has so many deep layers and so much content going on between the lines. It will go over manys heads.
Devil you need to sit back and read again, never assume with POI, he has a nasty habit of going places that no one saw coming and i actually swear he is psychic and knows what everyone thinks will happen then goes the complete opposite direction lol
2017-03-01 05:45:34 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 13 Nice Metallica reference, this is getting really dark.
Anyone else remember the tale of the four men locked into a capsule as an experiment and forced to remain awake for days and weeks on end with the help of gasses being pumped into the room. Remember what happened to those men? Or what was left of them by the end? What they had become?
God this is dark POI and i dont think many even realise just how dark and evil incarnet Guy has become. I think Gabriel would honestly be terrified of him as well. I wonder where this will end?
So far you have taken us all on a path that we don't see coming and it has been amazing.
I have to admit though i prefer the old series. Over the years and due to my own experiences i have grown tired of people like this and have known many, i was one of them filled with so much rage and hate. We learnt to simply put them down early before they got out of hand. No regrets and no remorse, just out them down!