2018-02-23 07:10:53 |
My Sexy, Older Cousin Lets Me Do Anything I Want to Her
Excellent story. I too have a cousin about 7 years older who provided one of my first sexual experiences. She lay on the floor and said, ‘Do whatever you want.’ She was as sexually inexperienced as I was and I think wished to find out how things felt with someone she was safe with. Maybe this is common as a couple of years later the same happened with two horse riding friends. Both older than me and the eldest was on the couch downstairs, followed by the youngest in her bedroom, where she asked I restrain her and use her riding whip. It was not long before her sister came upstairs to encourage me. Robbie. |
2018-02-23 07:17:53 |
Car Trouble_(1)
Good story. Sequel? Robbie. |
2018-02-24 11:59:44 |
Sasha and Randy meet Mom
I enjoyed your story. A shame you have not continued it. Mother and daughter should tease him and each other with a little exhibitionism, especially with third parties around. A fun competition between them that Randy would enjoy but also find frustrating. In response he could have them both play submissive to his authotrity. Robbie. |
2018-03-03 08:16:06 |
The Proposition 2
Great intro and ending. For such a short story - very satisfying. I hope you will publish a longer story sometime. If the chore of proof reading a long story puts you off it would be my pleasure to help, you write so well. Robbie. |
2018-03-03 09:56:42 |
Another lovely story. I would PM you but understand you have disabled the facility. I would like to know a little more about you: gender, age, etcetera. Robbie. |