Comments from RandomRobbie

Date Story title Comment
2018-03-09 07:33:49 THE BOSS'S SLUT 12: Client Celebration Hi Vanessa,
I guess all good stories must come (sic) to an end. I have enjoyed the basic scenario very much, and a good deal of the action. In this last part I had hoped for the return of the number 2 guy (finance as I recall) to Mr Tenor. At least the latter was quickly passed over. Generally though this chapter seemed a little quick compared to the detail of previous chapters. In particular, there was scope for a little different detail with the two lady members of the group but their time was passed over very quickly. Sorry not to finish more positively but I believe you would prefer that I be honest.
Overall I am impressed and looking forward to reading other stories you have already published. Best wishes for your future writing.
2018-03-10 01:13:07 THE BOSS'S SLUT 12: Client Celebration ??Vanessa?? Who am I to criticise!! Humble apologies. Robbie.
2018-03-17 06:27:19 Finding what's missing Have to agree with the earlier comment. Great story - and I love strip poker stories (and the variants in different writers’ rules for playing) - but needs proof reading and revising. In particular the confusion between first and third person interrupts the fantasy. Robbie.
2018-03-19 12:43:38 Summer School Parts 1-3 Ditto. Well written, honest and sweet. Good to read a story with normal human beings rather than over sexed, over endowed horrible people with no consideration; intent on being nasty and hurting others emotionally. Being kind can be a lot of fun too. It would be great if young adults could learn that instead of violence. Robbie.
2018-03-21 06:34:42 The Girls – Part 3 of 9 – Natural Progression Hi, Robbie here again. I wanted to PM you privately but you do not have the facility for me to do so enabled so I am leaving these comments publicly instead. In paragraph 15 of this story (3 of 9): (1) It reads as though something has been omitted or typed incorrectly; and (2) You mention his leaving his face against her vagina but that is not mentioned earlier in any part of 1, 2 or 3 of 9? Kind regards, Robbie.