Comments from donb9033

Date Story title Comment
2010-03-23 00:29:36 Wendys Party Sweetie, it's a very, very hot story, but you should check out some other stories on this site to look at format. Short paragraphs with a double space between them really makes a story much easier to read.

I know this is your first story here and hope you don't give up. It appears that you have promise. Thanks for the entertainment.
2010-03-23 21:14:25 Camping With My Girls Part 7 You just keep getting better and better. I really love these two series. Please keep it up (as you are keeping mine up).
2010-03-23 22:31:38 Camping With My Girls Ch 8-9 The picture you painted of these two lovely young girls experimenting together for the first (like this) time will stay with me. Very vivid picture presented in a very nice manner. Thank you.
2010-03-26 09:15:25 WHAT TURNS ME ON Wonderfully, delightfully, erotically descriptive. Made my mouth water. So allowing you to post this was a birthday gift for you? I think it is a birthday gift to us all. So very hot. Thank you. Don
2010-03-26 23:32:56 WHAT TURNS ME ON Now we see what the trolls can and will do to a lovely story.