Comments from Truthvstradition

Date Story title Comment
2020-11-19 19:20:54 Lonely and Bored You wrote this as fiction but it's very plausible and true to the reality I've experienced. I wrote about it in my story #10. I too have been straight as an arrow and an alpha guy all my life. I was simply amazed how exciting and natural it all felt once I crossed "that line." I've also been amazed about the sheer number of straight guys who have also turned bisexual while still identifying as straight. It's becomes easy and uncomplicated sex that satisfies and removes the sexual pressure within a straight relationship compared with trying to find sex with another woman. Sucking a cock may seem way beyond your sensibilities, sexually speaking, but once you get beyond those beliefs, almost every guy asks himself why he waited so long to try it.
2021-02-05 14:34:16 A day in the life of a sex story slut Very well written! Not every reader or writer on this site is as imaginatively creative as you are. Don’t let the neg comments deter you!
2021-02-05 13:39:59 INTRODUCTION TO EROTIC DAYDREAMING Great topic and interesting read. In a similar way my wife and I have been on a long quest to understand eroticism and then use it in creative endeavors. I believe eroticism to be essentially right brained and therefore a very useful trigger to creative thinking. The post orgasmic let down is the shift back to the problem solving cost counting left brain state of being. The quest has been how to use and sustain the erotic right brained state...and that necessitates controlling or delaying the orgasmic release. Self denial can be very sexy if you can keep yourself in an aroused state and use that energized state to accomplish things you might never be able to accomplish in the more mundane left brain state. I’ve written about this in several of our stories and especially in my story on chastity devices. Thank you for this perspective of daydreaming. You are on to something that could not only be life enhancing but also be very useful in creative endeavors.
2021-02-01 15:09:27 A Quiet Friday – His Story (Part 4){revised} Very nice story. You and your wife seem very close to opening your marriage to other lovers. I hope you do. We did and found a level of love for each other through our sharing with others that we didn’t know existed. People tend to think that sharing sexuality with others is such a big deal. It turns out it really isn’t. But instead increases your shared eroticism many fold.
2021-08-23 12:03:49 Vibe--Ration Well written with very hot triggers depicted make a great short story. Keep writing!