Comments from Truthvstradition

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-14 15:28:04 Creating My Hot Wife 4 Willing... So you know!!! Good for you. I think most men would too if they could somehow get over culturally inherited resistances. After going through this with Jim and watching other men, I am 100% convinced there is no more intensely erotically charged place for a man than having a Hot Wife. Women learning how to handle that role reversal is the key however. Thatâs why I wish women were reading our stories!
2019-02-14 15:42:22 Creating My Hot Wife 5 Pablo... I think our best stories are , 11-13, and our experiences with Frank and Sharon. It was a very privileged and high level, rarified air, type of sexuality. So much so, I suspect most people here can not relate nor understand it.
2019-04-02 22:37:37 Creating My Hot Wife 10_(0) Dudley. Thx for your nice comments. I live with three wonderful beautiful and talented women. I have two other women that are uncommonly beautiful that don’t live here yet are strongly connected. I’m going to be 67 in a month. I have to cum everyday or I start to ache. Sex is a “use it or loose it game.” I’m a very lucky guy but yet have just reeped the benefits of the life we’ve lived over the years. I only wish I could help free more people to be sex positive
2019-04-02 22:39:53 Creating My Hot Wife 11 Secrets are not always bad...for you or a wife. It’s how you view them
2019-04-02 22:45:58 Creating My Hot Wife 12 Ash and I will have been married 44 yrs this summer. Yes we love each other! Yes we both have had fantastic loves with other people too. Our lives are incredibly enriched because of those loves and now as we are facing our golden years we have a lifestyle that includes many other people. That’s a very significant thing at this age. Neither of us are totally dependent on each other should one of us pass. Think about that!