Comments from Truthvstradition

Date Story title Comment
2018-07-04 18:09:58 Creating My Hot Wife_(0) Thx Dudley. I enjoy recounting our experiences. There is just so much to cover. Much to come
2018-07-04 18:13:39 Creating My Hot Wife 4 Thank you my dear. I will be writing more soon!
2018-07-04 18:14:59 Creating My Hot Wife 5 Kevin and Katy will be back soon!
2018-07-04 18:22:28 Creating My Hot Wife 6_(0) One of the secrets of swinging is that is remarkable little stress as long as it is a shared experience in eroticism. What is stressful is dark driven secretive sex, unshared and full of accusations and blame. It was fun seeing so many couples get beyond all that and laugh about how things used to be between them. The incidence of couples breaking up once they were fully ensconced in the lifestyle was so low, I struggle trying to remember more than one or two over the years.
2018-07-04 18:26:31 Creating My Hot Wife 6_(0) What is really surprising to me is how few swinging members there seems to be on this authors site. I expected to stir up some real discussions of similar experiences.