Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-09 13:56:02 Kinky Perverted Lesbian Slut YOU ARE WRONG in what you said!Normal sex CAN BE ALSO KINKY,as THERE ARE MANY THINGS that happen between a male-female couple that ARE PERFECTLY NORMAL!
2019-02-09 13:59:24 Kinky Perverted Lesbian Slut Also,IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that "good little lesbians don't say cunt"!THEY SAY "CUNT",just like everybody!
2019-02-09 18:51:23 Family Discovery A boy SHOULD NOT "always always bring the girl to an orgasm with his mouth and fingers before he penetrates her"!THAT'S A BULLSHIT!On the contrary,IT'S VERY COMMON AND NATURAL that a girl SHOULD BE PENETRATED FIRST and BROUGHT TO ORGASM BY BEING FUCKED BY THE BOY!In what world are you living,if you can write such UNREALISTICAL CRAP!
2019-02-09 20:09:06 Family Discovery I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND why "it is almost impossible to kneel on the floor while having sex" with that dog,just because he had a very large penis!IT IS PERFECTLY POSSIBLE TO KNEEL ON THE FLOOR,NO MATTER HOW LARGE a penis you have inside is!You write again A TOTALLY UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT!
2019-02-09 20:09:50 Family Discovery I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND why "it is almost impossible to kneel on the floor while having sex" with that dog,just because he had a very large penis!IT IS PERFECTLY POSSIBLE TO KNEEL ON THE FLOOR,NO MATTER HOW LARGE a penis you have inside is!You write again A TOTALLY UNREALISTIC BULLSHIT!