Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2019-03-07 13:16:11 Renee adds to our Marriage THIS OBVIOUSLY IT'S NOT A TRUE STORY!It's just a FANTASY!And saying that it's "very true",WOULD NOT MAKE IT TRUE!
2019-03-07 23:36:18 Couples Therapy Ch 1 To the "anonymous reader" who said that "fucking women are all pig sluts and will cheat on their husbands all the time" and other BULLSHIT:you are really A BIG ASSHOLE if you can say such HUGE NONSENSES!WOMEN ARE NOT SLUTS and THEY DON'T CHEAT THEIR HUSBANDS ALL THE TIME,on the contrary!Go fuck yourself,YOU MORON!
2019-03-09 14:13:38 Family Cruise If that boy could only imagine "the longest orgasm" as lasting only "a good two or three minutes",then HE DOESN'T KNOW MUCH!A long orgasm can last DEFINITELY MORE THAN TWO OR THREE MINUTES,especially if it's a multiple orgasm!Then,IT'S ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE that "there is no one to complain too out here on the high seas" because "no country actually has jurisdiction"!THAT'S A BULLSHIT!Everyone that it is a victim of an infraction in international waters CAN VERY WELL COMPLAIN TO THE CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP who has the power to deal with those kind of actions!And,even if those waters don't belong to any country,IT CAN'T BE SAID that "no one has jurisdiction",since the ship sails under a country's flag and,therefore,THE RESPECTIVE COUNTRY HAS JURISDICTION OVER IT!Also,you said that the mother and the sister of this boy had "bald pussies"!Then,how the hell did he shaved those BALD PUSSIES?!You REALLY SHOULD BE REALISTIC in what you are writing!
2019-03-09 14:34:07 STELLA INTRODUCES MY PARTNER TO LESBIAN SEX. IT'S NOT TRUE that "Librans have a strong sex drive"!That's A NONSENSE!Librans HAVE DEFINITELY NOT a particularly "strong sex drive"!Also,IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that "every woman is a lesbian"!Where do you get such A BULLSHIT?!EVERY WOMAN IS HETEROSEXUAL because THAT'S HER NATURAL STATE!So,those two women who had lesbian sex in that porn movie,COULDN'T HAVE POSSIBLY "enjoyed each other more than they did the men"!THEY CERTAINLY ENJOYED THE MEN MUCH MORE,since men and woman ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER!And "giving sexual pleasure to a woman while your partner was away",IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME THING "as giving sex to another man"!IT'S CHEATING,PURE AND SIMPLE!I have met this HILARIOUS IDEA before and I HAVE DEFINITELY HAD ENOUGH of such IDIOTIC things!CHEATING IS THE SAME,no matter if it's with a woman or with a man!
2019-03-16 06:54:09 The Best Woman We've Ever Had @mature gina,you tell ONLY BULLSHIT!IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that "most people use the word "cunt" out of anger"!And TI'S ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS to say that "I doubt most boys or men even know what it short for and have no clue about tribbing either"!In what world are you living if you can tell SUCH ABERRATIONS!Of course that BASICALLY ALL THE BOYS OR MEN KNOW PERFECTLY WELL what "cunt" is short for(a woman's genitals) and ALMOST ALL OF THEM KNOW VERY WELL about tribbing!Go SHOOT YOURSELF,you FUCKING DYKE who believe that about men!MEN KNOW MUCH MORE ABOUT SEX than women!