Comments from borota
Date | Story title | Comment |
2019-03-16 07:03:31 | The Best Woman We've Ever Had | Why would they "become too sensitive to touch" when they were "in orgasm"?THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN almost any time!On the contrary,when a person(man or woman) is in orgasm he/she SEEKS THE CONTACT with the partner! |
2019-03-16 07:24:14 | The Best Woman We've Ever Had | Also,IT'S NOT TRUE that "some women like to be queened but little of them like to be ridden"!THERE ARE ENOUGH WOMEN who like to be ridden!And,regarding to my comment from above,I MUST SAY that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO "TRIBBING" in this story,so the IDIOT who spoke about it,DIDN'T EVEN READ THE STORY PROPERLY! |
2019-03-16 09:22:51 | Respect: Chapter 1_(1) | I DON'T SEE why Evelyn was so worried about "getting an STD",if her partner fucked another woman!IT IS VERY CLEAR that Maria WOULDN'T HAVE HAD SEX with someone who had a sexually transmitted disease!Also,IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that "no man wants to stay and hear about jewelry"!What a STUPID CLICHE!MANY MEN want to hear and talk about jewelry! |
2019-03-16 09:51:41 | Respect: Chapter 3 | You said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about who was the father of their child(because I hope that you don't pretend that two women could procreate a child :))) )!That's A BIG MISTAKE from you!When you write a story,YOU SHOULD REALLY KNOW that YOU MUST GIVE THE BASIC INFORMATIONS to the readers!Also,Noah's friend WAS RIGHT IN WHAT SHE SAID(though she could have said it more politely):IT IS COMPLETELY WRONG FOR A LESBIAN(OR HOMOSEXUAL COUPLE) TO HAVE A CHILD!A child must grow IN A NORMAL FAMILY,with A MOTHER and A FATHER,otherwise HE WILL NOT HAVE A NORMAL CHILDHOOD! |
2019-04-27 11:41:01 | Dog Sitting Boner | NO DOG can ever be "hung" inside a woman's pussy "for an hour"!THAT'S JUST BULLSHIT!Even if he is knotted inside,that will last AT MOST 15 MINUTES,NOT MORE!Try at least to be REALISTIC when you write something! Also,ALMOST ANY GUY WOULD LOVE that a girl does naughty things to him when they have sex,WITHOUT THINKING AT ALL that she is "a real slut"!So,NO GIRL SHOULD EVER REFRAIN HERSELF from doing that to a guy for SUCH AN IDIOTICAL REASON! |