Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-19 13:29:42 New Mother @MrSoldiersSexkitten,YOU ARE NOTHING BUT AN ILLITERATE IDIOT!No wonder that you can say AN ABERRATION like "ppl who r saying u need to work on spelling and more sex scences can go read some other story",since YOU ARE WRITING SO POORLY!For you "the spelling does not affect the story if it does then some ppl just dont know how to read"!For us IT AFFECTS THE STORY A LOT and if it doesn't affect the story for some people like you,then YOU SHOULD REALLY LEARN HOW TO WRITE AND READ CORRECTLY,you MORONS!People who are saying that the spelling is wrong,SHOULD BE LISTENED,not sent to read "other stories",you FUCKER!
2019-02-19 13:37:50 Mommies girl The modern world IS NOT "SLEAZE" in a general way!That's a STUPID THING to say!
2019-02-19 13:44:05 Mommies girl And being exposed to "sexualization"(which can be also A GOOD THING),CERTAINLY DOESN'T MEAN that a girl will turn into a slut!That depends ONLY UPON HER BEHAVIOUR AND CHARACTER!
2019-02-25 17:21:01 Mother's Final Rejection Part 1 NO PERSON can live "in the same room" for "his entire life",unless he's unable to move,suffering from a terrible disease,but even then such a thing IT'S QUITE HARD TO BELIEVE!Then,where do you get such A BULLSHIT that a school psychologist would prescribe "a masturbation limit"?!THAT'S SIMPLY HILARIOUS!NOBODY DOES THAT!EVERYONE MASTURBATES AS MANY TIMES AS HE/SHE WANTS,without any limit!And,finally,society and popular culture ARE NOT CONDITIONING ANYONE'S BRAIN "into conflicting thoughts about the magical wonders of the buttocks"!That's another CRAP!Society and popular culture HAVE NOTHING TO DO with the way in which someones sees fat arses!
2019-03-03 05:10:56 Andrea and Claire's holiiday adventure @DirtySamone,you are exaggeting in what you are saying!NOBODY told the author of this story "not to submit any more stories until her typos are fixed"!People only said that SHE SHOULD WORK on the typos BEFORE POSTING A STORY,which is A SENSEFUL THING and NOBODY SHOULD BE BLAMED for telling that to an author!