Comments from borota

Date Story title Comment
2019-02-04 01:09:55 My Swinging Parents_(0) "Comparing another partner to your spouse" DOESN'T LEAD AT ALL "straight to a couple's divorce",as someone SO WRONGLY says!When YOU FUCKED ANOTHER PARTNER THAN YOUR SPOUSE,comparing them HAS NO IMPORTANCE!
2019-02-04 01:24:57 My Swinging Parents PART 2 To the last "anonymous comment":NO HAIRBRUSH CAN PROVOKE PAIN!Think just a little bit before writing STUPID THINGS,you MORON!
2019-02-04 12:52:35 My Swinging Parents Part 3_(2) Who the hell would bleach his/hers ass,you IDIOT?!An ass IS NOT A PIECE OF MATERIAL(like cloth or paper) to "bleach" it!YOU MUST BE INSANE to write such ABERRATIONS!Think just A LITTLE before writing something and STOP WAISTING OUR TIME with such CRAP!
2019-02-04 12:54:40 My Swinging Parents Part 3_(2) Also,NOBODY HITS ANYONE in this chapter of the story!The "anonymous reader" who wrote about hitting his mother or wife,TALKS ONLY BULLSHIT!READ BETTER A STORY before commenting it!
2019-02-06 03:41:37 Sex Lives of the Super Wealthy Regarding the last comment:"the possibility of actually happen" IT'S BASICALLY THE SAME for the sex with horses as for the sex with dogs!But those two possibilities ARE ACTUALLY VERY WEAK to actually happen,as this story proves since IT'S ONLY A FANTASY!