2019-01-07 23:46:54 |
Young friends
The fact that "Young girls want older men for their money and older women want young hard cock to satisfy their needs",as someone says,it's true ONLY IN SOME FEW CASES!In THE VERY LARGE MAJORITY of cases,THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!So,this story ISN'T AT ALL "very realistic"! |
2019-01-08 00:22:19 |
Soccer Mom and a Bully, full.
IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that "he's experimenting like every other teenager in America"!That's just FUCKING BULLSHIT!THE HUGE MAJORITY OF TEENAGERS in America NEVER EXPERIMENTED DRUGS!You must be really SICK to write such a thing,you MORON! |
2019-01-08 00:30:41 |
Soccer Mom and a Bully, full.
Also I HAVE TO SAY,regarding what someone has told in a comment,that "half the people that read these stories miss the point entirely" and that "for masochist readers like me, this is heaven",that THE VERY LARGE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE who read these stories ARE NOT MASOCHISTS,but NORMAL PEOPLE and,therefore,THEY DON'T "MISS THE POINT ENTIRELY"!They SIMPLY DISAGREE with such a point! |
2019-01-08 00:42:27 |
@milf4use,you must be TOTALLY CRAZY if you want to do such a PERVERTED thing!And,by the way,this story IS NOT REAL,it's just A FANTASY! |
2019-01-08 00:50:09 |
Summer surprise_(1)
IT'S ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE THAT "every woman has thought about seducing a young man like this,but they are afraid to act on their desire"!That's SIMPLY A NONSENSE!THE HUGE MAJORITY OF WOMEN NEVER HAVE such "thoughts",so THEY AREN'T AFRAID to act on their desire,since such a desire NEVER EXISTS!STOP PROJECTING your TWISTED FANTASIES upon all women,you IDIOT and write something worthy of reading,not this NONSENSICAL CRAP! |